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Temperature monitoring of the pusher arm wall using ratio pyrometer

Effectively maintaining temperature of the heating chambers in the coke oven battery is essential for high yield and optimum quality of the coke. The narrow width of the flue makes it challenging for the accurate measurement of the flue temperature using a portable pyrometer inside the pusher arm as the hot coke is pushed out of the oven. Successfully monitoring the temperature of the heating chambers also reduces risk of damage to the oven wall. 

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Temperature monitoring of the pusher arm wall

Home    Case Studies    Pilger mill in tube rolling mills – hot and cold pipe detection

Pilger mill in tube rolling mills - hot and cold pipe detection

  • Fibre optic based pyrometer installed inside the pusher arm to measure the temperature of coke oven walls profile as the hot coke is pushed out.  Typically six numbers are fitted to pusher arm (three each side).
  • Increased quality: High quality metallurgical coke results in improved iron and steel making process

  • Better coke yield: Critical for good quality coke, the oven and heating chambers in coke oven battery are effectively controlled


  • Effectively maintaining temperature of the heating chambers in the coke oven battery is essential for high yield and optimum quality of the coke.
  • The narrow width of the flue makes it challenging for the accurate measurement of the flue temperature using a portable pyrometer inside the pusher arm as the hot coke is pushed out of the oven.
  • Successfully monitoring the temperature of the heating chambers also reduces risk of damage to the oven wall. 


  • Fibre optic-based pyrometer was installed inside the pusher arm to measure the profile temperature of coke oven walls as the hot coke is pushed out of the oven.
  • The 2-color ratio technology allows accurate and repeatable temperature measurements free from dependence on absolute radiated energy values. 2-color sensors measure closer to the highest temperature within the measured spot (spatial peak picking) instead of an average temperature.

  • Due to its short measuring wavelength the ratio pyrometer was used.

  • Given the harsh operating environment the pyrometer is resistant to dust, steam and dirt and gives accurate measurements even in cases of window soiling of up to 90 percent.
    • Rugged and electrically isolated sensing head
    • Long length of fibre optic cable (3|6|10|15|22 meters available)
    • Small sensor head dimensions M40 makes it ideal for hard to access areas
    • Temperature range of 500⁰C -1800⁰C
    • Tolerant to dirty environment as 5% FOV coverage is sufficient for accurate measurement
    • Pyrometer could withstand high ambient temperature of 315⁰C for optic head with fibre optic cable
    • The short response time was ideal for the monitoring of very fast processes

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